title art by member Marilla Abrahamsen
DONATIONS... we run off em!
What your donations go to:
Paying rent, Electric (that includes our heat!), wifi, and phone
Community garden
Art & Workshop supplies
Basic items to maintain organization, i.e. totes, clothing racks, office supplies
Taxes & permits/licensing fees
Renters insurance
Growing our business! Money leftover from everything above gets saved and used as an emergency fund during slow periods or when we face temporary increases in bills (like heating during winter). We dream of being able to move our volunteer shifts into permanent paid jobs; and of opening a bigger space with more workshops, makers’ space, and bigger display and storage areas for the Free Store.
Here is what Phoenix Web Collective volunteers have built and worked on so far:
We stayed open through the covid pandemic offering mutual aid, with no government assistance (we don’t really qualify as we do not have employee wages to cover
Community fridge
Community Garden
Live performances and educational skill shares
Providing a recycling program as a free mart
Eliminating many a carbon footprint
Providing a safe space
It all started when…
“To me, being a member of the Phoenix Web means that you want to participate in something bigger than yourself, may it be helping the community or making art. We are here to provide people with something to do and somewhere to go.” - Mars, team leader
noodle fueled prologue phoenixes
Our shop runs on donations and volunteer labor - support us here:
really really free mart
makers space
skill shares
mutual aid
community support