A New look forward
A New Look Forward
New year and new things on the horizon at the Phoenix web and we would be amiss to not mention the loss of a Dear friend and core member of the Phoenix Web, Kate. She will be forevever missed and we cannot thank her enough for the support she lent in helping to create this endeavor. RIP Kate you were and always will be the best!
We will continue to be open with winter hours through the spring and this coming May we will be back to our summer hours.
Expansion - Expansion - Expansion. We need more Artist participation - The Free Store has been a huge success, but makers space needs some recognition. You can help our business by becoming a member, or teaching a skill share or workshop.
Currently, we are interested in addressing the lack of public transportation on the mountain top and into the Hudson Valley, we will be meeting with other prominent community organizations to try and solve this problem. We will be hosting an open meeting where we can discuss ideas for this much needed utility. Stay tuned for meeting dates.
Stop by the free store, and if you have the means please donate, it really does help keep this project alive. Stop by and check out our tools and resources.
Thanks, we hope to see you soon!